By Francesca Sinisi

Only 11 minutes and 23 seconds make up Blood Orange’s EP, Four Songs. Will it change your life? Will you ever be the same? Let’s find out.

Before listening to their latest project, I was already a big fan of Blood Orange and really got into them towards the end of last semester and this summer. Some of my personal favorites are “Forget It” off of their Coastal Grooves album as well as the more well-known “Charcoal Baby” off of Negro Swan. They’ve been making noise in indie and R&B music for quite some time, so if you’re at all familiar with these genres, you most likely know about them. Along with additional echoing and distortions, Four Songs has the same general tones that one would expect.

I think that the release of this EP in the fall was perfect timing considering how the songs give you that kind of sad and angsty fall vibe you are desperately searching for without giving you early onset seasonal depression—which, if you’re anything like me, is a fine line that need not be crossed until December and the finals era. The instrumentals and lyrics aren’t sad more than they are melancholic to keep you in your daydream, while the electronic beats keep a pep in your step as you listen on your way to class. And the fact that it’s so short just leaves you wanting more

To quickly recap each song: “Jesus Freak Lighter” is doing mindless homework at a fast pace, feeling like I’m solving the problems of my life while doing a simple Spanish MyLab task; “Something You Know” is sitting in the library on a rainy day with a cup of lemon tea; “Wish” is walking at top speed to the Ram Van because you’re late, but you’re not being dramatic about it—you’re still hot and mysterious; “Relax and Run” is thinking about your past Halloween crushes because you’re still not over it and can’t drink chai without thinking about them. Not sure if Four Songs is my favorite thing that Blood Orange has put out, but hey—I’m still listening and not complaining. Still give it a listen between classes, or in any of the previously provided scenarios.
