By, Anna Fahy

I’ve never been as lucky as being selected to attend the 65th annual Grammys as a seat-filler. Seat-fillers occupy empty seats in the camera audience of televised award shows. I had heard of seat-filling for the Grammys from a TikTok the year prior and had a reminder on my calendar to apply to the lottery system (this year garnered over 33,000 applicants!). In December, without telling anyone, I filled out the short application on I thought it was too ridiculous to come true, so when I got the email on January 20th that I was selected, I almost fainted: I couldn’t believe that I was going to the Grammys.

Arriving in Los Angeles Friday night was a fever dream. It was my first time in LA, so I was starstruck by the Hollywood sign, the PCH, and the beautiful ocean. I had a few moments of realizing, Okay, so this is really happening; this wasn’t a dream. I’m actually going to be in the same room as Harry Styles and Taylor Swift, oh my god. Flying in was the first of those.

Show day began at 11 a.m., getting ready with my aunt, who I was staying with for the weekend, and freaking out, rehearsing different conversations as if I was talking to one of my music idols.

Arriving at the parking lot meeting spot, I had no idea what to expect. The four hours before showtime consisted of waiting in line outside, walking in line, and even more waiting. Seat-fillers were all different ages. I definitely felt like one of the youngest people there. I remember finally making it inside, lining up against the wall, and Pharrell walking by — I snapped into reality at that second and had another holy crap I’m here moment.

When we were finally led into the venue, we were held together on the floor behind the sound booth. We had a screen in front of us, and I got a lay of the land: where Taylor was sitting (to the right), Harry (in the middle), and the other artists scattered around the venue. Sixty seconds to go, and we were released: I rushed to the first empty seat and sat nervously next to another seat-filler. The risk in seat-filling is there’s always a chance someone comes and bumps you out of the seat you’re in, so I always had an eye out for potential second-choice seats. I got to stay in this seat on the left side for one segment before I was bumped.

Host Trevor Noah made his way weaving through the audience, and as I saw later from my mom’s screen-grabs, I was in plain view of the camera for most of the night.

My initial goal was to get close to Harry Styles, my favorite musician, so I could talk to him. Although this didn’t end up transpiring for me, my seat-filler friend knew of my mission and ended up next to him. She said he immediately introduced himself and asked her name, a very rare interaction for seat-fillers.

I was aware that Harry would be performing “As It Was” at some point during the Grammys, and I was determined to be on the floor (not bumped and behind the sound booth). When I saw the curtain open and his signature circular platform emerge on the side of the stage, I immediately booked it to the nearest open seat to the stage. This ended up being directly in front of the stage, right in front of him. This was a dream come true — front row for a Harry Styles’ performance. I had never been this close before. The lights came up, and I noticed that, unlike Love on Tour, nobody was standing. The only two artists dancing were Camila Cabello (two tables over) and Taylor Swift (on the other side of the audience). I thought to myself, If I’m going to get kicked out of the Grammys, let it be for dancing way too hard to Harry Styles front row. So I did just that. I stood up and danced my heart out. During the bridge of the song, he even got up to the edge of the stage and made eye contact with me. We held it, and I almost passed away. Thank goodness another seat-filler next to me brought me back to earth and confirmed it happened, because I couldn’t believe my eyes. At that moment, I peaked.

After I left that seat in utter shock, a front and center seat opened next to J.Lo and Ben Affleck, where Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stood up to leave. I quietly slipped in, and The Rock turned back to me and said jokingly, “You better not talk to them.” I laughed nervously, but inside I exploded. The Rock?! Talked to me?! Bennifer seemed pretty entranced in each other, so I got to know the seat-filler next to me. I stayed in this seat the longest and was the most viewed on-screen, because Beyonce was coincidentally sitting right bey-hind me. She went up to accept her record-breaking Grammy. I can be seen in the frame, awe-struck, as she passed by me.

This was a night I’ll never forget —being on the same floor as so many of my music idols, seeing them appreciate each other and support their wins, and experiencing the behind-the-scenes of award shows was incredible. I was there for the music and musicians, which I did enjoy. It was by a stroke of luck that I was there at all. One day, I hope my dreams of working in the music industry come true, and I end up invited to the Grammys for my work. But until then, if seat-filling is my ticket to the Grammys, I’ll see you next year!