By: Isabella Cassetta

Finding new music and artists is always a great thing. Most of the time, looking through random playlists on Spotify or being led down a huge rabbit hole of musicians is what leads me to find new music. Recently, I have found that I have been listening to the same songs on repeat. One day, during my journey of listening on Spotify, I came across an artist by the name of Kwajo. Kwajo is a 21-year-old artist from North Virginia. His newest singles are Closer and Sacrifices on Spotify and his most popular, Inside Out with his brother, SH1NOB1. I had the opportunity to talk with Kwajo about his life as a musician, his creative process, and his future plans as an artist.

Isabella: So, how did you first get into music?

Kwajo: I’ve been musically inclined my whole life. My first introduction to making music was in middle school. Growing up, I listened to a lot of pop punk and alternative music like Paramore and 5SOS. My first avenue into music was a band I created, Two Young for This, with my brother, SH1NOB1. It didn’t work out but I maneuvered into rap from that. My brother, my friends, and I recreated videos like SuperHotFire on Youtube. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school that I really got into making music.

Isabella: That’s interesting and cool. My second question for you is, which artist has had the biggest influence on your music?

Kwajo: Most definitely Saba Pivot. I give credit for my style to Saba and Aminé. Aminé was the first one because he was my favorite rapper in high school. The thing I loved about him is that he had fun with his music and he didn’t conform to any specific style. He just did his thing. My first approach to music is accredited to Aminé. Saba is my favorite rapper of all time. He does a really nice job of creating a story in your mind and provides perspective and transparency. That is something I strive for in my music. Having him as an inspiration to look at and follow has been huge for me. I’m grateful I have been able to interact with him a couple of times. He actually co-signed Inside Out. Being able to have the support from the person who is the reason why you started taking your craft seriously is something I am forever grateful for.

Isabella: If you could collaborate with any artist, who would it be?

Kwajo: Definitely Saba! I’m going to give three people; Saba, Aminé, and Emawk. Emawk is an exceptional artist. Definitely those three, but it changes every day because I am inspired by everything I listen to.

Isabella: I will definitely check them out. I think this is a really interesting question, what or how would you describe your creative process?

Kwajo: I never have a certain formula for my creative process, I do have things that are consistent throughout each song I make. Overall, I like to make music that is a reflection of who I am. I always like to write about the person I am. It is all about transparency for me, I really feel like being authentic. Being transparent with my audience is always something I want to do. I make music to express who I am and to tell my story. I always make sure the music I write is a reflection of who I am. In terms of actually recording, I like to get a feel for the best first. I always come up with the hook first because I find it the easiest part. I never like rushing myself when writing a song because it ends up horrible.

Click this link for the rest of the interview.

Listen to Sacrifices, out now on Spotify. Follow Kwajo on Instagram @kwajooo