By Mari Apazidis

Think about a good album, one you love a lot. Most likely, it has a distinct sound and story, or is inspired by something profound in the artist’s life, or is catchy at least. Jack Harlow’s 2022 album release, Come Home The Kids Miss You is directionless, dull, and maybe TWO songs are objectively catchy (but that still doesn’t make them good).

Granted, the “catchiness” of an album is subjective, but it doesn’t matter how catchy an album is if its songs rip off another artist. For instance, “Poison (feat. Lil Wayne)” sounds like a discounted Drake song. There are mismatched vocals over a high-pitched closed hi hat beat, there’s no steady pulse and it is super awkward. It is completely disengaging, and the message is boring. Oh, we get it Jack Harlow; you like this lady so much that she’s poisoning your mind. No one’s ever thought of that before! Super original!

Now what about the songs that really took off, like “Nail Tech” and “First Class”? I will concede that they are catchy songs, but they suck in every other way. “First Class” is a testament to how lazy Harlow has become with his music. He doesn’t even spell out all of “glamorous,” tacking on the o-r-o-u-s at the end of the verse as if it wasn’t a cop out.

And finally, let’s talk about “Dua Lipa.” What a weird, creepy song. Harlow blatantly objectifies Dua Lipa, saying that he wants “to do more with her than do a feature.” Harlow said that he got her consent (technically), but it is public knowledge that Lipa had an uncomfortable response to the song. It’s one of those things where Harlow definitely should have picked up on Dua Lipa’s hints if he had a brain cell or two.

Overall, it’s a 0/5 for me. I regret listening to it at all!
